Saturday, August 27, 2011

Making a Come back as nostalgia turntables!

!9# Making a Come back as nostalgia turntables!

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Turntable or record player sales, which wound up at a standstill for almost a decade to come around again. No one expects an exodus from the dominant CD format nostalgic. Sales of turntables and vinyl records played on them are experiencing a boom of younger listeners are not buying music today and rediscover the family archives.

"Record sound better than CDs, (who) are the first and genuine. And the cover is much better," said Al ShawManhattan Beach, California, who at 17 is too young to remember the heyday of LP. But it was the Rolling Stones and the Beatles album went to the attic grandparents', and an uncle to him on ebay a player, the front and is in his room.

Many manufacturers are now using electronic turntable replication with the designs of the past, but today's technology. Some of these producers are Crosely, Teac, Memorex and jWIN. You can find many useful features and functionsthese systems, including CD-recording capabilities, the ability to stack multiple records and computer's USB port.

Raman Turntable Nostalgia Classic Buys says it belongs to the best seller audio electronics gift at Christmas time. Nostalgia turntable brands like Crosley, Teac, Memorex Pacconi and Thomas are first choices.

When shopping for a turntable for the brand more consumer and looking for different functions, says the president of Magma Group. Consumer4 preffer in a system that plays records, CDs, cassettes and radio. Usually buy brands such as Crosley and Teac. Consumers to look for other special features such as CD and Stack-O-Matic feature. CD Recorder allows you to burn on CD and LP Stack-O-Matic can stack more records and play one after the other as a multi-CD changer.

"Music is the purest form of vinyl," says Bo LeMastus, President of Crosley Radio, which makes it nostalgicReproductions of 1940 and 1950 turntables, elements that have been heavily promoted in stores this holiday season. "It captures everything the producer wanted to include in the protocol. The CD, you lose a certain something."

Today the Crosley name lives on detailed models, to transcend the reality of time. Reintroduction of original vintage radios and turntables feature the most modern technologies enriched by unforgettable Crosley stylings. The Crosley collection includes AM / FMRadios, portable suitcase - styled record players and turntables, record changers, multi-functional audio cassette / CD player, jukebox, music boxes, telephones and much more. Lines, rich, retro design and authentic handmade Crosley today's most important producers of electronic age has. True to the Crosley tradition, these replicas are as fabulous as they are functional and offers a wonderful dose of nostalgia.

Crosley turntables sold 400 000 in 2005, and is expectedmore sales this year. Joe D'Angelo Teac, which also sells reproductions, says director of sales tripled last year. Has 10 million albums are still on the shelves at home. Teac and Crosley start the player with speakers, $ 100 - - with the new units, "here's a way to play music."

Again, these sales are a star to CD players, more than 40 million units sold. Sales of turntables are so small that the Consumer Electronics Association does not track. ButTurntables have always had a house under the fans of DJ and rap that produces sound by manipulating the needle scratching at the site.

Among the new buyers turntable, "You have two fields," says Dave Glassman of Restoration Hardware, the turntables and samplers 45s has in heavy rotation in its 105 shops, as well as in its catalog and Web site. "Thirty years of age who grew up and still have them on LP, and their children who have found these records in the closet and wants toto listen to. Earlier this month, "Teac and Crosley introduced new models, old and new at the Consumer Electronics Show will melt like U.S. $ 229 Crosley 4 in 1 entertainment center, playing with a CD player, cassette, radio and the ability to Vinyl to 33, 45 and 78 revolutions per minute.

Making a Come back as nostalgia turntables!

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